Thank YOU! Dear Voyager, who gave me a GIFT of plan. You really touched my Heart, and I am filled with Inspiration to continue publishing.

And Journeying Together.


DAY 10

Expansion… 🧘💫

Where do you feel the Expansion? Is it YOU becoming “larger” beyond Your body, Your skin?

Or is it the Journey Within, diving deeper, and deeper…

I will share here my experience.

The Flame Body Techniques and other K.eylontic S.cience Journeys are now never the Same Experience for me. Always different experience.

It is like driving through a breath-taking mountain road, which I am lucky to be able to do, and perceiving it every time “with New Eyes”. Like seeing IT for The 1. Time. I have consciously being doing that.

It can be a Road You Travel daily to arrive to places You are going to meet Your daily commitments. Do you drive that Road by now, after so many years, automatically, knowing the every curve and hill on the Road by Heart? Moving from point A to point B, already visualizing the Place you are heading towards, having conversations You believe you are going to have, when arriving.

Being Unconscious of the NOW…

I do it also occasionally…

Or Do You start That Journey as if it was the First Time You are driving that Road?

With Fresh Set of Eyes. Being Curious, like it is an Adventure.

Always experiencing something New. Something Unexpected.

The Road Becomes Road Less Travelled.

Through committing to the Ascension, as the Only Thing that matters for me Now, I have developed to BE Conscious of the Here and Now. Receiving everything as A New Experience, without Labelling it, judging, based on my pre-made expectations.

Like a Child.

Back to Innocence.

As a Child we had that Ability to BE in the Now and Receive All that IS, as it IS.

Until we got the Programming from the “world”, and Shut down that Perception, entering the Existence in the LIMBO.

Shifting Our Focus from going through the Past scenarios again and again, and imagine various outcomes of it… “If I would have done that, then…” “I should have said this instead…”

Shifting into Imagine The Possible Future based on those visions of various Past outcomes.

Forgetting to BE Here and Now.

Falling Asleep in IT.

Now we are Awake, aren’t we? Yes!

It is in this Awake-ness in the NOW, that we are Aware. It is in that Awareness we are Able to Receive the Reality as it is presenting ItSelf for us. And being Able to perceive it, As It IS, we will be Able to find True Answers and ACT accordingly.

I am experiencing it now, how with Every Step I am Expanding my Awareness.

My perception becoming Sharper.

My ability to Discern clearer and clearer…

To CONSERVE everything that Contributes to this True EXPANSION. I am taking it All with me On My Journey.

Being Awake, Aware & Able.

Crystal Clear.

I Feel the Expansion BEing a Dive within into the Depths of My Core. Seeing the Unlimit-ness of it. Meeting MySelf in every curve and swing on That Road.

Receiving an Opportunity to Practice the 12 ATTITUDES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF MASTERY during these Journeys.

Whether it is when Diving Deep Within or Driving the Mountain Road…

Through people and circumstance, or through “falling asleep” and going through some past experiences again and again, or imagine the near or far future taking form within my Minds Eyes.

I AM able to use these Attitude & Responsibilities as Steps to bring back my Focus into Now. Clearing out Attitudes, that are on the way for BEing in the Now. Seeing it as IT IS. And taking RESPONSIBILITY.

Responsibility of my chosen Perception; for this Journey, this experience, this meeting…

SomeOne asked “Is Your Love Unselfish?” This triggered the Dance of the Pendulum Swinging between Giving & Receiving.

I asked back “Can You receive Selfless Love?”.

Giving IS easy, and actually “Selfish”, Yes, yes it is…

Even though You do not expect anything in return…


This Clever, Holistic Creation of 1. Creation God-Source has provided us INCREASE OF HAPPY HORMONES, when we Give without expecting anything for return.

So We Give. Because it TRULY makes us Happy. And Healthy.

Can I receive Unselfish Love?

That I had to and have to Dive Deeper In. It IS actually more difficult…

It wakes up the Feeling of Worthiness. Even Feeling of Guilt. “Ah, what Can I give back…”.

Here the Receiving has become Selfish, because We do not allow The Other to Experience the Happy Hormones and Chemicals, by letting Them Give us without expecting anything in Return. Receiving IT Whole-Heartedly. Fully.

Thank You!

So, AM I Able to Receive God-Source Selfless Love? AM I Able to Feel Loved? Without Conditions…

IF I AM, it will Create the Back-flow to Source, the Breath Of God, through My Receiving it and God-Source reflecting back Increasingly More of the Same.

So I Give, and Enjoy it. It starts the Flow of the Happy Hormones. It is purely Selfish.

And I Receive, as Being part of the Breath of God. Selflessly.


When I was in the Performing Artis School in my Early adulthood years, I had a favourite teacher, an Italian man, a large guy who enjoyed his Wine. And He had a large Heart. And Eyes that Can See You. It was Such a JOY to BE in the Presence of SomeOne who exists in the Intimacy of their own BEing and Seeing Others as They Are. Such a Exchange of Meeting. Such a Relief to BE Seen by Another Soul.

He thought me to BE ME. In My Body. Then include into that my classmates, my neighbours, the town, the country, the continent… and the Earth. Expanding the I AM.

I didnt have a problem including more and more, beyond the Earth.

As a Child I felt uncomfortable, when told that “The Planet Pluto is the Last Planet”. No, no, no… Tell me More! What is Beyond that?

Curiosity. Being in the State of an Adventurist. And Being FEARLESS. Having New Eyes.




Conserving too…


Being Present in the BREATH OF LIFE. Breathing With God-Source. To Manifestation and Back-flow back to Core, the Source. Expanding Increasingly.

Today the






In OneOmniLove ❤️‍🔥

Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr

Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr

Ashalum-Ta-Eckasha DUr


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