Is suffering necessary, in order to learn. Its learning expanding me to higher state of Awareness OR keeping me in the loop of repeated actions with consequences, never stopping the wheel.

We All make mistakes, it is said.

Yes, I do agree. Yet the hardest judge of Myself is me.

“Nobody said You are a Crazy Lady”, the friend is trying to convince me.

“I did”, I admit. Solely me, Myself, and I.

No matter what anybody else says, I will believe the Only “judge” that matters, which is my inner voice.


Luckily there is the Karmic Cycles, which will give an opportunity to go through the same experience again, in order to learn the lesson. And once or twice, or dozen times, if necessary. This is what we think. Or I do at least, cannot speak for the others.

This we have been convinced to believe in, to take it as Highest Law, written in Stone, literally, and there is no other way out.

So, accept it. There is no question about this Heavenly System.

We think. Again, I do believe we do, since I have been thinking that way.

Not anymore.


There is a Walk in a Valley of the Dead before We are expanding. The Path of Suffering.

“Oh, Karma is a bitch”, they say with an unhappy, even bitter smile in their lips.

“The Devil is biting your heals”, says the other. Resulting in me running faster.

Running away or running towards.

Who designed the suffering I experience. A heavenly Board of Judges, like a High Court, following the strict rules laid down by a Harsh Highest One, with a Stick of punishment in the Hand, ready to strike whenever the menials, the nickel-and-dime-creatures divert from The Path. The Ultimate One. Keeping us in a Loop, experiencing the same situation over and over again.

Hitting our head on the wall, until we learn the lesson.

Yes in fact, there might have been A Group of Beings who designed this system of experiences of Karma, relying of the nature of the Universe, where any action have its consequences. What is thrown into the Air will ultimately fall down again, is the explanation.

Or will it fall?

Can it continue the flight?

Who said that the only way to grow is through suffering, experiencing the punishment in the flesh and Soul. So that I Remember not ever to repeat the mistake, the sidestep, again.

The same “board”, I ques. Or by now I can say that I know.


So many “I’s” involved. Yes, It is an important One letter word. Followed by AM becomes a Powerful Mantra. Whatever we believe the “I AM” means for us, has its results too. Every word we place behind “I AM” is a proclamation which will have the result defined with the following word.

“I am poor”, “I am not good in languages”, “I am not a singer”, “I am lazy”, “I am always alone”, “I am bind to this life”, “I am unlucky in Love”, “I am not beautiful”, “I am not loved”. And So On.

Endless cycles of Actions in the Mind, resulting consequently as uttered by definition.

The Loop keeps

Except when what we have called “Grace” steps in, as a loving parent, to save this “child” in a loop of Karmic cycles, letting it find the way to Freedom. In the form of Unconditional Love.


If a Child, because of inexperience, does something which you will understand causes the child consequences which brings less favourable result, would you beat up the child by harshness and punishment. Will the child remember the lesson, or just the pain caused by the punishment.

When patiently and loving encouragement will surely release the child from ignorance and give opportunity to expand in that nurturing environment you are offering, delivering the wisdom within the situation, instead of the pain.

It has been offered the touch of “Grace” by you.

So what, I did feel like I didn’t make it the way I would have hoped for according to the standards put solely by myself. I failed. Or did I.

The continuous circles of repetition can be broken. Stopped.

I can get out of the Loop.

I have to only make the decision. And keep it.


I meet people in my life, circumstances, which triggers me into the point I judge them, through my own pain, as unwise actions based on stupidity, ignorance, and possible malevolence.

I avoid them.

It is my Hologram, so in some level I created it, based on the “laws” which I have accepted to exist under, following them as a Good Child. However painful it is.

Are they part of me, those people, those circumstances? In that extend that I judge them, they are, because the judgement is made by me. So, I take those people, circumstances as part of me.

That is what is called the Shadow. The part of me, which I am Un Conscious about brought into Consciousness awareness, by presenting both polarities, the deed and its opposite.

Grateful for that and hurrying up to swallow them into my Consciousness, reclaiming the Shadow as my own. Then it vanishes magically. By virtue of acknowledgement, it has rendered its purpose for existence.

The Only place it can remain is my own Mind. Repeatedly going through the issues, circumstances, seeing different options of action, emotion and thought, until it is exhausted. I AM ready to release it from the Loop. Letting it go.

Setting my Self free.


Yes, indeed I can. By Focusing on my Beingness, in all the levels, staying anchored in what I call God-Source. The centre of me. The Quiet place. The Highest and noblest part of me. The Nothing in me becoming Everything.

The so-called Shadows will rush into surface when the Spotlight of God-Source Consciousness in me is removing the Darkness within. It is like shaking a glass of Water, where there has been Sand in the bottom; all floats upwards into the surface and become visible.

There and then I can acknowledge them all, swallow them as part of me, with the “Grace” in me, which is the Unconditional Love of God-Source.

Which I Ultimately AM.


Yet Responsible.

This Road through this Earth is the Valley of the Dead, until I AM is Awakened to see through the Illusions, proclaiming the Hologram, natural organic and the imposed synthetic one.


No, I willingly accepted the One-Way Ticket here, into this system of seemingly Endless Loop. To Figure it All Out, connecting it All into the Big Picture of Me Being here. Us All Being here, which ever form we came with and decided to keep.

And Find the Way Out, which is the Game of the Hologram. Out of My Mind in the Loop and Settling within in My Consciousness, which is in touch with God-Source. Through the Keyhole of the NOW.

With the Help of those Beings in the Stepdown and -up Creation of God-Source. Beings whose only Wish is for me to Experience the Higher planes of existence, which they are living in and which I AM too in my Higher Dimensional forms.

So there is no need for Punishment to this child, called Me. I AM willing and able to Face it All, eagerly waiting to Face the Ultimate Naked Truth of ALLness.

Which I believe is within the Cradle of Unconditional Love.

Stopping the Game, stepping out from the Board, proclaiming it as part of me too, yet deciding to Walk Away of it All. No more Loop.

Setting my Self Free.

And maybe You will do that too.

To be Free from the Loop, remember My Origin, Acquire All that I already AM. Becoming the Star Born that I am. Experience the True Joy of Being Alive in the Vastness of the Cosmos.

Arrive Home to My True Family

With my Twin

Finally to God-Source.

Loosely based on the MCEO Freedom.Teachings Ashayana.Deane Mechanics of Manifestation (2007) and other teachings. Thank You.

  • padmaalba

For OneAndOnlyAdonA ❤️‍🔥

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