Let go of Spiritual Entertainment 💫💨💦💎

I studied Tropical Astrology and Sidereal astrology since my Youth. Travelled the world and learned about my Self and Meanings of Life, Evolution and Ascension. 

Or so I thought…

Until I was drawn to Leave All OUTSIDE interprations of “Me, I and Myself”.

This through Tower Moments 🔥 which shook me throughout my Whole Being. Pulled out any “carpet” I believed I can Stand on and call “solid”. 🤸🏼‍♀️💫

Are You aware that in the Divine Dance of the Heavenly bodies The 🌕 that is here now, is pointing to Constellation of Cancer? Did You hear Leo? Oh, so Confusing, isn’t it…

I am Done reading the Interprations by Others 

The Pull within from my Deepest Spiritual parts caused me to Stop the Run, and Start Dancing.

 I wanted to go Deeper and Deeper. I felt the uneasiness in me Pull me further, using it as Fuel.

 Letting Go of All and Everything, except the Connection within to the I AM THIS I AM.

It is a scary choice at first… But believe me, the fear is the illusion of the Programmed Egoic Self listening to Shadows.

You Will Get over the fear…

I did…

And I Continued that Heroic Path with a clump in my chest, trusting the  feeling without Proof. Yet.


This is the Process in the NOW, being Awake and Aware and Able to take the Next Steps in Full Awareness in the Here and Now. 

Discerning and making Choices, which I know to BE “Right” in the Flow of the Now, Now and Now…

Why, oh Why would the Dance of the Planets, Stars and Seasons BE  Locked into a system which will never change.

The Equinoxes Always in the same “Sign”. Going Around and Around, never moving, never Expanding.

That doesn’t make Sense, yes?

But so, Why?

To ripp Away the capacity to BE connected to A Larger Oneness with the True Dance of the Creation, I think… With proof.

Part 〽️ of the Fallen Agenda since Atlantis (which is the latest, there have been other Fallen projects before) to keep us Angelic Humans “alive” just enough,  so that we can remain present in the Prison Planet pulled into the Fallen Universe as a whole. Because we have the Original Coding in us, in our DNA. The Kryst coding. 

There end-goal for this is To use us as  life-energy source for their Finite Phantom Creation, following the “mighty” gods and masters, the authorities “for your own good”.

 To be cut of from the Breath of Life within 1. Creation God-Source Creation.

And enlarge that Phantom to takeover the Dimensional Creation, further and further.

They need Fuel.

Do You really want to keep on Existing in that False Paradigm. Where many believe and follow f.ex Astrological Heavenly Movements based on the distorted Cosmic Clock? Earth Poles being twisted to alignment with False North. 

Holding on to Beliefs that are Creating False, but maybe nice sounding Truths about You and Your Life?

Hey, it isn’t Love…

Yes, You might say. Because you have Evidence that it is working, You might add. And continue propagating the Evidence, where You could “see” the Other Ones Sign and personality. Or “understand” the Inteprations and Prophecies told by “astrologers” fitting with the Actions and Happening in The World Estrada. 

Of course the Evidence can be found, because You are IN that Matrix. Together with others, who has swallowed the same belief. All Implanted with False Memories. Feeling Safe and Alive in Oneness. Yet You are in a False Matrix on the Way to the Phantom Universe.


 It is an AI Universe.

And the Astrologer has invested to these IT programs and need their Income. That’s it.

You’re maybe blessed, or Lucky enough to “receive” true “messages” to share with others, even when you “read” the Falsely Placed positions of the Planets and Stars. 

Hopefully some of Your True Knowing from the Deeper Self drips in. Which can happen, when You Focus into Something, like when reading Tarot or a Tea Leaves. Or Geomancy, numerology or the Stars up in the Sky. (Or is that a Satellite 🧐)

We Hope.

Angelic Humans has still Part of them Connected to the True God-Source Creation in the ETERNAL Creation without end. Dancing within the Eternal Pulsation of Fusion and Fission, where the Void of God-Source Intention doubles it self,  Vibrates Magnetically Sounding a “call” which transforms into Expression of Light. ElectroMagnetic.

The Pre-matter Consious Beings, Starting the Dance of the Down-Step of Creation, forming Keylons, turning the UR, the Light into RA, forming the TaURen, the God Seed.

Giving and Sharing the Creational Energies. Breathing…

Individuation Process from Large Entities of Group of Beings into tiny expressions of You and I. In the Matter. (Not Tiny At all, btw💎)

The Fallen gods turned that TaURen insideout, so it became vampire, sucking energy from All and Everything to be Alive.

No wonder that IS the Mode “down here” too, in this 🌎 in this Matrix. It is a Deed to Get As Much As You Can. Money being one of the Creations to be used as a tool to separate us from One and Other and from God-Source Creation. Fighting over Energy.


And here We Are, between the Tree and the Bark, used as pawns in the Battle between the Fallen Ones and the Guardians of 1. Creation God-Source.

Let us stop be Spiritually Entertained. ✋🏼🚫No more superficial Spirituality. No more False “truths”. Twisted History. No more False Matrix. No more Being’s Out There, no more Saviours. 🙅🏼‍♀️

Image Jamie PHILLIPS

And Back to Alignment with True God-Source, without having any External Solid Proof for it, or a Paradigm to follow. A Dogma. Just a Feeling. Vision. The Knowing.

Listen to it. They call it In-tuition. Teaching straight Into You. From Within.

Being in Cognition in the Quantum. Being Here and Now. Awake, Aware and Able. Breathing with 1. Creation God-Source within.

You Do have the Tools and the Way. You do have it All Within You. 

Remember, for You and I to end up HERE, was our Own Choice. To BE in this Prison 🌎 where Hologram of sickness and death has become “new normal”, IS NOT Your fault.

But it is Your, and My, Responsibility to Turn it Back into Right Side Up.

And to get out of here…

And Remember your True Origins.

Our True Origins as Powerful Beings of I AM THIS I AM – I AM GOD. 

Yes, I AM, and YES, so are You.

In Our deepest levels …

Yearn to get in touch with This Part of You. 🧘🏼‍♀️✨ Not settling with Half Truths from OUTSIDE of Yourself. Interprations.

Use the means and tools you got NOW to get ridd of anything that prevents that. The Shadow Self and False Self Image.

Only then You will Feel Truly Free and Happy.

 Bring down the Highest Frequency into Your body, transmuting the rest of the distortions, activating the forcefully blogged DNA strands which has caused the Amnesia. Grasping All that IS True in You here and Now.


With such a Force as if it is a Fight for Your Life. Because IT IS!🔥

Get ready to Ascend, to start the Journey back to God-Source. Experiencing true Oneness. Finding Your True Family. Finding Your Twin. Dancing the True Dance of Eternal. Creational Scalar Waves.

Arriving Home.

I have done it, the Letting Go.

And I still do, and continuing that Journey. It is Lonely at first, because the False Matrix has to be released. This in the form of Life as it is in there; the Image of Me, I and Myself in that False Matrix. 

People disappear, titles and achievements loose meaning. The images of Future fade away. Even the name of God-Source.

Seeing All and Everything is Upside down.

Then there comes Periods of Being Alone, which is necessary to be able to Listen to the Whispers of Your Higher Parts. Soul, Over-Soul and so on, on and on… Eternaly.

So, let us stop Spiritual Entertainment, believing in Half-Truths or Lies.

Let US BE as True As we can. Authentic. Now.

All IS Well.

You and I will See and Experience the Journey in Here  Becoming Magical. And True. Tangible Reality.

The Steps WILL Appear, trust me.

And when they appear, take the 1. Step, and the Other, and…💫👣

Padma Alba

For TheOne&Only 💓

In OmniLove 🔥

Here is article I wrote about astrology in November 2022.

I want also to share it here with you again, because I wrote there about general viewpoints about this Matrix where we follow and believe things that are not based on the “reality”, the Hologram that is based on Natural and Universal Laws, which still are in alignment with 1 . Creator God-Source Creation. 

Not disturbed by the Fallen Fractional finit Creational attempts to distort.


2 thoughts on “Let go of Spiritual Entertainment 💫💨💦💎

  1. Hi there. I’m reading this and I get the tone that is familier, maybe it’s because of the similar feelings I’m experiencing.

    One has been in spiritual entertainment for so long and it is sacary to go inwards especially when you’ve learnt and absorbed so much through the freedom teachings and now it’s time to go inside your self alone.

    I even had a dream I was in school in a lecture with Speaker 1 and the lecture was over and she pulled me aside and showed me the top part of the Kathara Grid D12,11 and 10 forming a triangle and she said they are cutting off from the 12 and then I left. I understood that I suppose I was lead to focus on higher thoughts and understand that the is a real fight at the heights level happening and I need to be ready. At least that’s my interpretation. I suppose that’s when she left. I do feel so alone. But I know I am not even when I doubt. I get this at least.

    Thank you for your efforts


    1. Thank You for sharing. Very interesting dream. To feel “alone” is “real” only when we have cut ourselves from the Unity, and perceive the Duality, only. It is kind of an illusion, yet relative.We are not alone. I can assure you that. We are assisted continually, and co-operating with others. And becoming aware of the Unity as we are progressing. It is Lonely, to start with, and that periode we get support mostly from our Higher Parts. Which is the Only Way. The awareness of Unity with others will be there and appear accordingly.


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