Aaah… Spiritual Integrity.

Responsibility of the DAY 6.

This is a painful point for me. I have always felt secretly “guilty in charge” for much of the things in my Hologram. Rushing to fulfil the needs of Others in my environment. Because of the Feeling Guilty.

For What?

Through been saved from the School of Hard Life lesson by the Higher Beings, and Soul Friends, and being introduced to the Real Reality, I have got my Answers. It is Multidimensional Answer. And very Personal…

It was my Training…

Words RESPONSIBILITY and SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY squeeze my Stomach. Not that I don’t accept these points, but because I have been programmed to Act on them against my Organic Spiritual Nature. The Knowing within.

Not anymore.

Now I do REMEMBER it All.

Piece by piece the Puzzle of Life form a Big Picture. Everything falling into their Right Place.

My guilty feeling IS gone.

My Homesickness is gone.


Here and Now.

What remains is the Flame in The Heart to Complete the Mission.

Yet the Movement is connected to the Collective, and every Step revealed at the Divine Timing and Order.

Have to tolerate the “not-knowing” and Listen the to Whispers, following Up.

BEing Awake, Aware and Able.

Following these Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery maybe feels “outdated” in the New Times of Ascension and the Quantum manifesting itself in front of our eyes.

Remember, our 3d bodies are programmed with the Old Way, following the Genetic distortions through generations, they are still valid. Let alone the mas-programming of the Earth Population through Re-legions.

The ATTITUDES & RESPONSIBILITIES DO assist turning around the Ta-UR-En, which is turned inside out and it is proceeding its Vampire mode increasingly. The Spiritual Integrity, and Moral, slowly fading away, accepting increasingly many distortions as the New Normal. Expanding towards the Phantom Matrix.

Turning around our Attitude, how ever Heavy it feels like, when going against the New Norms, will turn around the distortions. Also change the Chemicals in our biology.

Taking Responsibility of our Own Spiritual Integrity,

even though “others” do not, we Heal Ourselves and Others who are Bound to us.

“If you do not possess a sufficient amount of spiritual Integrity in Your Consciousness, neither will Your DNA Template”. 6th Responsibility of Mastery.

“One does not “get through the gates of Heaven” through using excuses for not employing Genuine, not feigned, spiritual Integrity.” 6th Responsibility of Mastery.

“Passage through any Stargate requires a sufficient amount of Chemically Encoded Spiritual Integrity of Consciousness.” 6th Responsibility of Mastery.

We can “fool” even our own Mother, yet we cannot fool our DNA.

So thankful for that I AM.

And Here arrives the ATTITUDE of Mastery as a Saviour, to assist me in Bloughing through this day, the 6th Day of 12 DAYS OF CHRISTOS AWAKENING CELEBRATION.

TRUST – Knowing the Power and Love of the ALL-ONE-ness.

By Knowing, Trusting, that the Spiritual Structure of the Eternal 1st Creation God-Source IS so “Smart” that it will not let me “fool” myself. If something doesnt Work, I must dive deeper and deeper into my Own Self. Knowing myself Increasingly Intimately. Touching the CORE of My BEing. Merging with IT… Being ONE.

So, with the help of the STEPS TOWARDS PERSONAL JOY, I get additional support.

Authentic GIVING.

I can not SAVE Others. I can only SAVE MYSELF. And on the Way give That Increasingly Powerful LOVE to those in need, AND Who DO WANT to HEAL Themselves.

“First I got to put on the Oxygen Mask on myself, then on my Child.”

Step 6 in JOY WITH OTHERS reminds me of ATT-ONE-NESS. Treating Myself with Love, Honour, Kindness and Respect, I can meet the Other with Respect, Mutuality, Responsibility and Reverence.

Honouring my Whole Being I AM able to Love with humility. Since I DO KNOW I AM perfect Within, yet I do fail to Manifest it Fully. Working on it for Sure…

And I TRUST, the Eternal God-Source for This Organic Structure of the Creation keeping me Safe.

If I AM Willing to…

And I AM!

Bon Voyage, Voyagers 💫

For TheOneAndOnlyAdonA ❤️‍🔥

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